EIT: Syytetyn nimen ja kuvan julkaiseminen loukkasi yksityiselämää
24.6.2023 | OikeusuutisetMargari v. Greece (no. 36705/16)
The applicant, Eleni Margari, is a Greek national who was born in 1978 and lives in Athens. In 2015 Ms Margari was arrested in connection with offences related to fraud and forgery. The case concerns the authorisation by the public prosecutor of the Athens Court of First Instance of the publication of the photos and personal details of seven of the accused – including Ms Margari – in the press and online for a period of six months following their indictment.
Relying on Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and Article 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the European Convention, Ms Margari complains of the publication of her photo and personal data in the press following her being charged.
Violation of Article 8
Just satisfaction: the Court held that the finding of a violation constitutes in itself sufficient just satisfaction sustained by the applicant.