Norjan korkein oikeus hylkäsi syytteen laittoman maassaoleskelun edistämisestä teon humanitaarisen luonteen vuoksi

3.1.2022 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

The scope of the exemption for “humanitarian assistance” in section 108 subsection 6 of the Immigration Act

Acts of friendship could also be considered humanitarian assistance, as opposed to what the Court of Appeal had found.

A person accused of violation of section 108 subsection 4 (a), cf. section 15, of the Immigration Act had let two foreign nationals without a residence permit in Norway stay at his place for three days.

Section 108 subsection 4 (a) of the Immigration Act, cf. section 15 of the Penal Code:

… for intentionally having helped a foreign national to reside unlawfully in the realm or in another country participating in cooperation under the Schengen Agreement.

Section 108 subsection 6: “A person who provides humanitarian assistance to a foreign national who is unlawfully residing in the realm shall not be liable to a penalty for aiding and abetting unlawful residence unless

(a) the person in question has intended to help the foreign national to evade the obligation to leave the realm, and

(b) the assistance has made it more difficult for the authorities to implement removal of the foreign national.”

The Supreme Court found, unlike the Court of Appeal, that this had to be considered humanitarian assistance, and that the exemption from criminal liability in section 108 subsection 6 of the Immigration Act was therefore applicable. The Court found that “humanitarian assistance” could be described as selfless help to cover physical necessities of life and related human needs, and that housing was an example of assistance covered by the exemption. Acts of friendship could also be considered humanitarian assistance, as opposed to what the Court of Appeal had found. The fact that the two could have reported to their respective asylum centres and stayed there, which the Court of Appeal had emphasised, was not decisive.The Court of Appeal’s conviction of violation of section 108 subsection 4 (a) of the Immigration Act was set aside. The penalty for making use of a foreign national’s labour for some hours, see section 108 subsection 3 (a), and for storing 1 400 undecleared cigarettes was set at a fine of NOK 30 000. 

Read the whole judgment

Prsee release: The scope of the exemption for “humanitarian assistance” in section 108 subsection 6 of the Immigration Act

Norjan rikoslain säännöksellä on vastine Suomen rikoslain 7 luvun 8 §:ssä:

Laittoman maahantulon järjestämisenä ei pidetä tekoa, jota erityisesti huomioon ottaen tekijän humanitaariset tai läheisiin perhesuhteisiin liittyvät vaikuttimet sekä ulkomaalaisen turvallisuuteen vaikuttavat olot hänen kotimaassaan tai vakinaisessa asuinmaassaan on pidettävä kokonaisuutena ottaen hyväksyttävistä syistä tehtynä.



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