EIT: Lasten huostaanotto heidän adoptoimistaan varten loukkasi EIS 8 artiklaa
23.2.2016 | OikeusuutisetEuroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin (EIT) on tuomiossaan Portugalia vastaan katsonut, että seitsemän lapsen huostaanotto – kuuden osalta täytäntöönpantu – lasten adoptoimista varten loukkasi äidin oikeutta yksityis- ja perhe-elämän suojaan.
EIT katsoi etenkin, että prosessi ja sitä seurannut päätöksenteko huostaanottoasiassa ei ollut ollut suhteessa tavoiteltuun päämäärään. Äidiltä oli edelytetty sterilisaatioa, asiassa ei ollut väitteitä lasten fyysisestä kaltoinkohtelusta, eikä äidin ollut sallittu tehokkaalla tavalla osallistua huostaanottoprosessin päätöksentekoon. Erityisesti EIT korosti lisäksi, että sterilisaatiota ei koskaan tulisi edellyttää huoltajan oikeuksien (parental rights) säilyttämiseksi.
EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
In [a] Chamber judgment in the case of Soares de Melo v. Portugal (application no. 72850/14) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been:
a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The case concerned an order for seven of Ms Soares de Melo’s children to be taken into care with a view to their adoption, and its enforcement in respect of six of them.
The Court found in particular that the measures taken by the courts in ordering the placement of Ms Soares de Melo’s children with a view to their adoption had not struck a fair balance between the interests at stake, given that Ms Soares de Melo had been deprived of parental rights and all contact with her children; her refusal to undergo sterilisation by means of tubal ligation had formed one of the grounds for that decision; and she had had no effective involvement in the decision-making process. The Court therefore considered that the placement order had not been appropriate to the legitimate aim pursued or necessary in a democratic society, bearing in mind the absence of any violent conduct, the existence of strong emotional ties and the failure of social services to address Ms Soares de Melo’s material deprivation as a mother having to raise a large number of children almost unaided.
The Court also held that the authorities should reconsider Ms Soares de Melo’s situation with a view to taking appropriate measures in the children’s best interests, and decided that the interim measures indicated to the Government under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court should remain applicable until this judgment became final.
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