Venäläisyleisurheilijoiden tapausten käsittely etenee CAS:issa
22.12.2015 | OikeusuutisetUrheilun kansainvälinen välitystuomioistuin CAS on julkaissut lehdistötiedotteen, jossa se käsittelee venäläisyleisurheilijoiden tapausten etenemistä. Kaikissa tapauksissa kyse on siitä, että kansainvälinen yleisurheiluliitto IAAF on eri mieltä Venäjän antidopingtoimikunnan kanssa siitä, miltä ajanjaksolta urheilijoiden kilpailutulokset pitäisi dopingin takia mitätöidä.
CAS:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has a number of pending procedures involving athletes from the Russian Federation and provides the following information as to their status:
* IAAF v. ARAF & Sergey Kirdyapkin & RUSADA Hearing held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 2 & 3 December 2015
* IAAF v. ARAF & Sergey Bakulin & RUSADA Hearing held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 2 & 3 December 2015
* IAAF v. ARAF & Olga Kaniskina & RUSADA Hearing held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 2 & 3 December 2015
* IAAF v. ARAF & Valeriy Borchin & RUSADA Hearing held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 2 & 3 December 2015
* IAAF v. ARAF & Vladimir Kanaikin & RUSADA Hearing held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 2 & 3 December 2015
* IAAF v. ARAF & Yuliya Zaripova & RUSADA Hearing to be held on 26 February 2016
The above procedures have all been referred to the same panel of CAS arbitrators which will simultaneously issue an Arbitral Award for each case after the final case has been heard in February 2016.
With respect to the CAS procedure between IAAF v. ARAF and Tatyana Chernova, it is noted that the procedure was suspended in May 2015 at the request of the IAAF while additional investigations were carried out by ARAF and RUSADA. The CAS arbitration will resume once such investigation has concluded.