EIT:n suuri jaosto: Venäjän ankarat rajoitukset elinkautista kärsivälle vangille rikkoivat EIS 8 artiklaa
1.7.2015 | OikeusuutisetEuroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen (EIT) suuri jaosto on eilen antamassaan tuomiossa katsonut, että Venäjä loukkasi elinkautisvangin oikeutta perhe-elämän suojaan, kun hänelle asetettiin kymmenen vuoden ajan rajoituksia, jotka mm. käsittivät perhetapaamisten sallimisen kerran puolessa vuodessa valvottuina.
EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
In [a] Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Khoroshenko v. Russia (application no. 41418/04) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been:
a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The case concerned the complaint by a life prisoner about various restrictions on family visits during ten years of his detention in a special regime correctional colony.
The Court found in particular that the strict regime had been disproportionate to the aims pursued and that such a regime seriously complicated a prisoner’s social reintegration and rehabilitation. Given that a majority of Council of Europe member States did not make a distinction between life prisoners and other prisoners as regards the prison regime and that in those States the minimum frequency of family visits allowed for life prisoners was not lower than once every two months, Russia had only a narrow room for manoeuvre (“margin of appreciation”) in this field.
Koko lehdistötiedote, missä myös linkki koko tuomioon, löytyy täältä: Press Release