EIT: Valittajan luovuttaminen USA:han, jossa häntä uhkasi elinkautinen ilman mahdollisuutta vapautumiseen, loukkasi EIS 3 artiklaa

9.9.2014 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin (EIT) katsoi Belgiaa koskevassa tuomiossaan, että valittajaa uhkasi Yhdysvalloissa elinkautinen vankeusrangaistus. Koska Yhdysvalloissa ei ollut tehokasta mekanismia saada tutkituksi tällaisen tuomion muuntamismahdollisuutta, oli kyse EIS 3 artiklan loukkauksesta.

EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

The case concerned the extradition, which has been effected despite the indication of an interim measure by the European Court of Human Rights (Rule 39 of the Rules of Court), of a Tunisian national from Belgium to the United States, where he is being prosecuted on charges of terrorist offences and is liable to life imprisonment.

The Court considered that the life sentence to which Mr Trabelsi was liable in the United States was irreducible inasmuch as US law provided for no adequate mechanism for reviewing this type of sentence, and that it was therefore contrary to the provisions of Article 3. It concluded that Mr Trabelsi’s extradition to the United States entailed a violation of Article 3 of the Convention. Furthermore, the failure of the Belgian State to observe the suspension of extradition indicated by the Court had irreversibly lowered the level of protection of the rights secured under Article 3, which Mr Trabelsi had attempted to uphold by lodging his application with the Court, and had interfered with his right of individual application.

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