Tsekkiä koskeva valitus EIT:n suureen jaostoon
12.9.2013 | OikeusuutisetEuroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen suuri jaosto on tällä viikolla päättänyt hyväksyä yhden valituksen suuren jaoston käsiteltäväksi.
Suuren jaoston käsiteltäväksi päätyvä valitus koskee sitä, että henkilö tuomittiin vaimonsa fyysisestä ja henkisestä pahoinpitelystä vuosien 2000 ja 2006 välillä sellaisen lainkohdan nojalla, joka oli tullut voimaan vuonna 2004. Valittaja väittää, että ihmisoikeussopimuksen 7 artiklan 1 kohtaa (ei rangaistusta ilman lakia) on loukattu.
EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
The applicant, Petr Rohlena, is a Czech national who was born in 1966 and lives in Brno (Czech Republic).
He was formally accused by the Brno public prosecutor of regularly physically and mentally abusing his wife while drunk – allegedly between 2000 and February 2006. In April 2007 the Czech courts found him guilty of the continuing offence of abusing a person living under the same roof and he was given a suspended sentence of 2 years and 6 months’ imprisonment and a five-year probationary period. The courts retained the classification of the offence as defined in Article 215a of the Criminal Code according to the version in force from 1 June 2004, considering that this classification extended to acts perpetrated prior to that date, insofar as these acts were also punishable (under a different classification) before that date. This judgment was upheld by the appeal court and the Supreme Court. Ultimately, in 2008 the Constitutional Court dismissed Mr Rohlena’s constitutional appeal, considering that the courts’ decisions in his case had not been of a retrospective effect prohibited by the Constitution.
Relying on Article 7 § 1 (no punishment without law), Mr Rohlena complained that the Criminal Code had been applied retroactively, pointing out that he had been convicted of an offence relating to conduct in which he had engaged prior to the date on which that offence had been introduced into the law.
Koko lehdistötiedote löytyy täältä: Press release