CAS hylkäsi taiwanilaisen Mu-Yen Chun valituksen Kansainvälisen Olympiakomitean päätöksestä
15.3.2013 | OikeusuutisetUrheilun kansainvälinen välitystuomioistuin CAS on vahvistanut Kansainvälisen Olympiakomitean (KOK) päätöksen, jossa KOK oli evännyt taiwanilaisen Chun ehdokkuuden KOK:n urheilijakomission jäseneksi.
CAS:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
Panel decided to dismiss the appeal and confirmed that Mu-Yen Chu was guilty of
several violations of Article 3, paragraph 2, of the “Rules of Conduct
Applicable to Campaigns for Election to the IOC Athletes’ Commission, for
campaigning in an unauthorized area and for distributing name cards and showing
various documents via a tablet computer, despite having received a written
warning from the IOC on 26 July 2012. The CAS Panel considered that the violations
committed by Mu-Yen Chu had influenced the election process for the Athletes Commission
and gave him an advantage over the other candidates who had complied with the rules.
Under these conditions, the arbitrators found that the withdrawal of the nomination
for election was the only appropriate sanction amongst those provided in the
IOC rules. The sanction was therefore not deemed disproportionate and was
confirmed by the CAS. The CAS Panel concluded that the behaviour of Mu-Yen Chu
was due more to excessive zeal rather than to a desire to cheat; his reputation
and integrity as a sportsman should not be affected by this decision.
Koko lehdistötiedote löytyy täältä: Click here to read the Media Release in full