EIT:n suuri jaosto: Perheen sisäisen adoption kieltäminen naimattomilta samaa sukupuolta oleville – kun se oli sallittu naimattomille, eri sukupuolta oleville – oli syrjivää

21.2.2013 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen suuri jaosto totesi ratkaisussaan, että se ei nähnyt perusteita erilaiselle kohtelulle perheen sisäisessä adoptiossa pelkästään sukupuolen perusteella, kun eri sukupuolta oleville naimattomille henkilöille perheen sisäinen adoptio oli sallittu.

Sen sijaan EIT korosti, että ratkaisussa ei edellytetty perheen sisäisen adoption hyväksymisen laajentamista myös niihin tilanteisiin, joissa avioliitossa eläville henkilöille  perheen sisäinen adoptio on sallittu, mutta naimattomille ei.

EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

The case concerned the complaint by two women who live in a stable homosexual relationship about the Austrian courts’ refusal to grant one of the partners the right to adopt the son of the other partner without severing the mother’s legal ties with the child (second-parent adoption).

The Court found that the difference in treatment between the applicants and an unmarried heterosexual couple in which one partner sought to adopt the other partner’s child had been based on the first and third applicants’ sexual orientation. No convincing reasons had been advanced to show that such difference in treatment was necessary for the protection of the family or for the protection of the interests of the child.

At the same time, the Court underlined that the Convention did not oblige States to extend the right to second-parent adoption to unmarried couples. Furthermore, the case was to be distinguished from the case Gas and Dubois v. France2, in which the Court had found that there was no difference of treatment based on sexual orientation between an unmarried different-sex couple and a same-sex couple as, under French law, secondparent adoption was not open to any unmarried couple, be they homosexual or heterosexual.

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