EIT: Suomi ei loukannut pakolaisen perhe-elämää kun perheenyhdistämisen ehtona oli 2.900 euron kuukausitulot
8.10.2024 | OikeusuutisetS.F. v. Finland (no. 35276/20)
The applicant, S.F., is an Eritrean national who was born in in 1982 and lives in Vantaa (Finland). Ms S.F. and her three children were granted asylum in Finland in 2016. The case concerns S.F.’s application for family reunification so as to allow her husband, an Eritrean citizen who had been granted asylum in Uganda, to move to Finland. The Immigration Service stated that they should have had at least 2,900 euros (EUR) per month and EUR 34,800 per year at their disposal to provide for her husband in Finland. The Finnish courts, who also examined the children’s best interests, refused to grant a derogation from that maintenance requirement.
Relying on Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the Convention, Ms S.F. complains of the denial of her application for family reunification.
No violation of Article 8
Tuomio: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/fre?i=001-236140