EIT katsoi Breivikin valituksen ilmeisen perusteettomaksi

22.6.2018 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Decision Hansen v. Norway – application by man formerly known as Breivik rejected as inadmissible

ECHR rejects complaint about prison conditions by man who committed 2011 Norway killings and bombing.

The case concerned complaints by the applicant, whose previous name was Anders Behring Breivik, about his conditions of detention.
In its decision in the case, which was brought under the applicant’s new name of Fjotolf Hansen as Hansen v. Norway (application no. 48852/17), the European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Committee of three judges, has declared the application inadmissible. The decision is final. The applicant was convicted in August 2012 of killing 77 and wounding 42 persons at a political youth rally and by setting off a car bomb in Oslo in July 2011. He was sentenced to 21 years of preventive detention.
He challenged the conditions of his detention, particularly his being kept isolated from other prisoners, before the domestic courts. Ultimately, the High Court found in an appeal case that there had been no violations of his rights under Article 3 (prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading torture) or Article 8 (right to privacy and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights. In its decision today the Strasbourg Court found that its examination of the case did not reveal any violations of the Convention, and rejected the application as inadmissible for being manifestly  illfounded.

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