EIT tuomitsi CIA salaiset vankilat, kidutuskieltoa oli rikottu
31.5.2018 | OikeusuutisetLiettua ja Romania olivat tietoisia kidutuksesta alueellaan olevissa USA:n vankiloissa.
In the cases of Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania and Al Nashiri v. Romania the
Court found several violations of the Convention, and in particular a
violation of the prohibition on torture, on account of the respondent
States’ participation in the CIA programme of secret detentions.
It found that Romania had hosted a CIA secret detention facility from
September 2003 to November 2005, while Lithuania had done so from
February 2005 to March 2006. The applicants had been held in these
facilities and the domestic authorities had been aware that the CIA
would subject them to treatment contrary to the Convention. The States
in question had also allowed the applicants to be transferred to other
CIA detention sites, thereby exposing them to further ill-treatment.