EIT:n suuren jaoston paneeli hyväksyi kuusi valitusta suuren jaoston käsittelyyn

20.9.2017 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen (EIT) suuren jaoston viidestä tuomarista koostuva paneeli hyväksyi maanantaina poikkeuksellisen monta valitusta suuren jaoston käsittelyyn. 29:stä paneelin käsittelyssä olleesta valituksesta hyväksyttiin neljä vastaajina olleiden hallitusten pyyntöä ja kaksi valittajien pyyntöä saattaa asia suuren jaoston käsittelyyn.

EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

At its last meeting (Monday 18 September 2017), the Grand Chamber panel of five judges decided to refer six cases and to reject requests to refer 23 other cases.

The following cases have been referred to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights:

Güzelyurtlu and Others v. Cyprus and Turkey (application no. 36925/07): concerning the killing of three relatives of the applicants, who were shot dead in the Cypriot-Government controlled area of Cyprus on 15 January 2005;

Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary (no. 47287/15): concerning the border-zone detention for 23 days of two Bangladeshi asylum-seekers as well as their removal from Hungary to Serbia;

Fernandes de Oliveira v. Portugal (no. 78103/14): concerning the complaint that the applicant’s son, who suffered from mental disorders, committed suicide as a result of a psychiatric hospital’s negligence in supervising him;

Murtazaliyeva v. Russia (no. 36658/05): concerning the applicant’s complaint about the overall unfairness of criminal proceedings brought against her for preparing a terrorist attack;

Z.A. and Others v. Russia (nos. 61411/15, 61420/15, 61427/15 and 3028/16): concerning complaints brought by four individuals from Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Somalia and Syria who were travelling via Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport and were denied entry into Russia (three of the applicants ended up spending between five and eight months in the transit zone of the airport; one of the applicants, from Somalia, spent nearly two years in the zone);

Lekić v. Slovenia (no. 36480/07): concerning the striking off of a company that the applicant had a share in, and his subsequent liability for the company’s debts.

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