CAS pidensi Therese Johaugin kilpailukiellon 18 kuukauteen

22.8.2017 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Urheilun kansainvälinen vetoomustuomioistuin CAS on tänään antamassaan ratkaisussa kumonnut Norjan keskusurheilujärjestön ratkaisun, jolla Therese Johaug oli määrätty 13 kuukauden kilpailukieltoon. CAS otti huomioon dopingista seuraavien kilpailukieltojen keston yhdenmukaisuuden ja pidensi kilpailukieltoa 18 kuukauteen.

CAS:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

Having reviewed the matter in full, the Panel noted that Ms Johaug failed to conduct a basic check of the packaging, which not only listed a prohibited substance as an ingredient but also included clear doping cautionary warning. Such omissions resulted in an anti-doping rule violation inconsistent with her otherwise clean anti-doping record. Nevertheless, in order to ensure equality in applying antidoping rules, the Panel highlighted that it was obliged to apply a proportionate sanction, consistent with the level of fault. For this reason, the Panel noted that, in such a situation of non-significant fault, the 2015 World Anti-doping Code provides for a suspension range of between 12 – 24 months and determined in the present case that a period of ineligibility of 18 months, commencing on 18 October 2016, was appropriate.

Koko lehdistötiedote löytyy täältä: 22.08.17 – CAS decision in the case of Therese Johaug

Koko tuomio löytyy täältä: 22.08.17
– CAS 2017/A/5015 International Ski Federation (FIS) v. Therese Johaug
& The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation
of Sports (NIF) / CAS 2017/A/5110 Johaug v. NIF & FIS

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