EIT keskeytti Unkarin vankilaoloja koskevien valitusten käsittelyn
23.11.2016 | OikeusuutisetEuroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin (EIT) on päättänyt keskeyttää Unkarin vankilaoloista tehtyjen vajaan 7.000 valituksen käsittelyn 31.8.2017 saakka. EIT katsoi, että Unkarin hallitus on lokakuussa voimaan tulleen lainsäädännön myötä sekä parhaillaan käynnissä olevan ministerikomitean selvitystyön aikana käynnistänyt sellaiset toimet, jotka voivat olla riittäviä korjaamaan ylikansoituksesta johtuvat ongelmat Unkarin vankiloissa.
EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
On 8 November 2016 the European Court of Human Rights examined the situation of the pending applications brought before it concerning conditions of detention in Hungary. Such applications currently stand in excess of 6,800.
In its pilot judgment of 10 March 2015 (Varga and Others v. Hungary, nos. 14097/12, 45135/12, 73712/12, 34001/13, 44055/13, and 64586/13) the European Court concluded that Hungary had to take measures to improve the problem of widespread overcrowding in its prisons. Having regard to the ensuing legislation adopted by the Hungarian Parliament on 25 October 2016 as well as to the currently on-going examination by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of the Hungarian Government’s related Action Plan (DH-DD(2016)1223), the Court noted that new domestic remedies are being introduced in Hungary concerning this problem which may be capable of redressing the grievances of the applicants in the cases pending before it.
In light of this development, the Court found it appropriate to suspend the examination of the entirety of these applications, including those of which notice has already been given to the Government, until 31 August 2017. This measure entails that, in this period, no procedural steps of any kind will be taken by the Court in these cases. After the expiry of this time-limit, the applicants will be notified in due course of the further procedure or any decision taken by the Court.
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