Alaikäisen EU-kansalaisen yksinhuoltajaa ei voida karkottaa pelkän rikosrekisterin perusteella
13.9.2016 | OikeusuutisetEU-tuomioistuin edellyttää karkotusperusteen olevan tällaisessa tapauksessa ulkomaalaisen käytökseen perustuva vakava vaara yhteiskunnan perustavia intressejä kohtaan
EU law does not permit a national of a non-EU country who has the sole care of an EU citizen who is a minor to be automatically refused a residence permit or to be expelled from the territory of the European Union on the sole ground that he has a criminal record.
In order to be capable of being adopted, an expulsion measure must be proportionate and founded on the personal conduct of the national of a non-EU country and that conduct must constitute a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat adversely affecting one of the fundamental interests of the society of the host Member State
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