CAS: Michel Platinin toimitsijakielto pysyy voimassa, mutta sen kestoa lyhennettiin
10.5.2016 | OikeusuutisetUrheilun kansainvälinen välitystuomioistuin CAS on eilen antamassaan ratkaisussa lyhentänyt FIFA:n Michel Platinille määräämäää toimitsijakieltoa kuudesta neljään vuoteen. CAS alensi myös Platinille määrättyjä sakkoja 80.000 Sveitsin frangista 60.000 Sveitsin frangiin.
CAS:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
The arbitral Panel noted the existence of a valid employment contract between Michal Platini and FIFA, signed in 1999 and including an annual salary of CHF 300’000. Such contract was performed by the parties and terminated in 2002 when Mr. Platini became a member of the FIFA Executive Committee. It was not until 1 February 2011 – 4 months prior to the FIFA presidential elections and at a moment when Sepp Blatter and Mohamed Bin Hammam were both still candidates to the election – that FIFA paid the amount of CHF 2’000’000 in favour of Mr. Platini. Mr. Platini justified such payment as back pay, explaining that he had orally agreed with Mr. Blatter in 1998, when the future FIFA President was negotiating with him, to an annual salary of CHF 1’000’000. The Panel, however, was not convinced by the legitimacy of the CHF 2,000,000 payment, which was only recognized by Mr. Platini and Mr. Blatter, and which occurred more than 8 years after the end of his work relations, was not based on any document established at the time of the contractual relations and did not correlate with the alleged unpaid part of his salary (CHF 700’000 x 4 = CHF 2’800’000). Moreover, the Panel took note that Mr. Platini benefitted from the extension of a pension plan to which he was not entitled.
Consequently, the CAS arbitrators unanimously determined that Mr. Platini obtained an undue advantage in breach of Article 20 of the FIFA Code of Ethics. Furthermore, the Panel also found Mr. Platini guilty of a conflict of interest in breach of Article 19 of the FIFA Code of Ethics.
Koko lehdistötiedote löytyy täältä: 09.05.16 – FOOTBALL – The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) lowers the suspension of Michel Platini to 4 years