EIT: Oppositiojohtaja Navalniyn tuomio Venäjällä perustui mielivaltaiseen lainsoveltamiseen

24.2.2016 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin on Venäjää koskevassa tuomiossa katsonut Venäjän loukanneen oikeudenmukaista oikeudenkäntiä useissa kohdin oppositiojohtaja Navalniyn ja hänen kumppaninsa rikosoikeudenkäynnissä. Vähemmistöön jääneet kolme tuomaria olivat samaa mieltä 6 artiklan loukkauksista, mutta olisivat tutkineet myös 6 artiklan yhteydessä – ja muutoinkin – harvinaisen EIS 18 artiklan loukkauksen. Mainitussa artiklassa kielletään oikeuksien käyttöä koskevien rajoituksen käyttäminen epäasiallisilla perusteilla.

EIS:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

In [a] Chamber judgment in the case of Navalnyy and Ofitserov v. Russia (application nos. 46632/13 and 28671/14) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been:

a violation of Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The case concerned the complaint by an opposition activist and a businessman that the criminal proceedings leading to their conviction for embezzlement had been arbitrary and unfair, and based on an unforeseeable application of criminal law.

The Court found that the conviction of the applicants’ co-accused in separate accelerated proceedings had deprived the applicants of basic guarantees of a fair trial. In particular, the trial court convicting the co-accused had worded its judgment in a manner that could only be considered prejudicial as regards the applicants’ alleged involvement in the crime. Moreover, the Russian courts had found the applicants guilty of acts indistinguishable from regular commercial activities. In other words, the criminal law had been arbitrarily construed to the applicants’ detriment. Finally, the Russian courts had failed to address Mr Navalnyy’s arguable allegation that the reasons for his prosecution were his political activities.

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