EIT kommunikoi Ukrainan valituksen Venäjää vastaan

28.11.2014 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin on lähettänyt Ukrainan kaksi valitusta Venäjää vastaan Venäjän kommenteille ja samalla pitänyt voimassa väliaikaisen määräyksen siitä, että kummankin valtion tulee pidättyä toimenpiteistä, jotka voivat johtaa siviiliväestön oikeuksien loukkauksiin etenkin artikloiden 2 ja 3 osalta.

EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

On 25 November 2014 the European Court of Human Rights invited the Russian Government to submit its observations on the admissibility of two inter-State applications lodged by the Government of Ukraine under Article 33 (Inter-State cases) of the European Convention on Human Rights against the Russian Federation.

The first application concerns the events in Crimea from March 2014 and developments in the Eastern regions of Ukraine; the second application concerns the alleged abduction of three groups of children in Eastern Ukraine and their temporary transfer to Russia on three occasions between June and August 2014.

An interim measure applied by the Court in the first case, calling upon both Russia and Ukraine to refrain from taking action which might lead to violations of the Convention rights of the civilian population, in particular Article 2 (right to life) and Article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment), remains in force.

In addition to the two inter-State applications, there are more than 160 individual applications pending before the Court, lodged against Ukraine or Russia or both. More than 20 of these applications are related to the events in Crimea. The remaining applications are related to the developments in Eastern Ukraine.

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