EIT:n suuren jaoston paneeli päätti valitusten käsittelyyn ottamisesta
10.9.2014 | OikeusuutisetEuroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen (EIT) suuren jaoston paneeli päätti ottaa neljä valitusta käsiteltäväkseen. Valitukset koskevat Saksaa (vastakuulusteluoikeuden puuttuminen), Tanskaa (perheenyhdistäminen), Latviaa (kyproslaisen velkomustuomion täytäntöönpano) ja Ruotsia (Irakiin käännyttäminen)
EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:
At its last meeting (Monday 8 September 2014), the Grand Chamber panel of five judges decided to refer four cases, to adjourn one case, and to reject requests to refer 15 other cases.
The following cases have been referred to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights.
Schatschaschwili v. Germany (application no. 9154/10): which concerns the complaint by a man convicted of aggravated robbery and extortion. He maintains that his trial was unfair as neither he nor his counsel had had an opportunity at any stage of the proceedings to question the only direct witnesses of the crime allegedly committed.
Biao v. Denmark (no. 38590/10): concerning the Danish authorities’ refusal to grant family reunion to a Danish citizen of Togolese origin and his Ghanaian wife.
Avotiņš v. Latvia (no. 17502/07): concerning the enforcement in Latvia of a judgment delivered in Cyprus with regard to the repayment of a debt.
W.H. v. Sweden (no. 49341/10): concerning the deportation of a failed-asylum seeker from Sweden to Iraq.
Koko lehdistötiedote löytyy täältä: Press release