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8.4.2021 Oikeusuutiset

EIT: Lasten pakollinen rokottaminen ei rikkonut ihmisoikeussopimusta

Court’s first judgment on compulsory childhood vaccination: no violation of the Convention In today’s Grand Chamber judgment1 in the case of Vavřička and Others v. the Czech Republic (applications no. 47621/13 and five other applications) the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority (sixteen votes to one), that…
14.1.2021 Oikeusuutiset

Ukrainan Venäjää vastaan tekemä Krimin niemimaata koskeva valtiovalitus otettiin tutkittavaksi EIT:ssä

Complaints brought by Ukraine against Russia concerning a pattern of humanrights violations in Crimea declared partly admissible In its decision in the case of Ukraine v. Russia (re Crimea) (application nos. 20958/14 and 38334/18) the European Court of Human Rights has, by a majority, declared the application partly admissible. The…
18.11.2019 Oikeusuutiset

EU-tuomioistuin: Liputtoman junamatkustajan ja rautatieyhtiön välille syntyy sopimus

When a passenger boards a train without a ticket, he concludes a contract with the carrier That is the case where access to the train is free. In accordance with its conditions of carriage, the Belgian national railway company (SNCB) penalises passengers who travel by train without being in possession…
5.11.2019 Oikeusuutiset

Puolan laki tuomareiden ja syyttäjien eläkeiästä on EU-oikeuden vastainen: ministerillä vapaa valta sallia virassa jatkaminen

Polish rules relating to the retirement age of judges and public prosecutors, adopted in July 2017, are contrary to EU law In today’s judgment the Court, upholds the action for failure to fulfil obligations brought by the Commission against the Republic of Poland and held that that Member State had…