Etusivu » Become an attorney-at-law » Why join the bar? » Membership fees
Membership fees
Membership fees
Membership and supervision fees:
Attorneys-at-law EUR 1,260/year
New members EUR 774/year
Public legal aid attorneys EUR 793,80/year
Membership fee
- The annual fee for attorneys-at-law is EUR 972, invoiced in three (3) instalments. The annual fee for new attorneys-at-law is EUR 486 for the year in which membership was gained and for the following calendar year, charged in three (3) instalments.
- The annual fee for recipients of the attorney-at-law (retired) title is EUR 50. The annual fee includes the year’s Advokaatti magazines.
- The annual fee for public legal aid attorneys is EUR 505,80.
- The annual fee for passive members is equal to the subscription fee for Defensor Legis, EUR 150 in 2025.
Supervision fee
- The statutory supervision fee is EUR 288. Everyone who has been a member of the Bar Association at some point during the year (even if only for a short period) is required to pay the fee. The supervision fee does not apply to recipients of the attorney-at-law (retired) title (Advocates Act, section 9.6).
Local Chapter Membership Fee
Each attorney-at-law is also a member of his or her local chapter. The local chapters decide their membership fees and they are charged in connection with the 1st instalment.
Registration fee for EU attorneys
- EUR 972/year for EU attorneys entered into the EU list.
- EUR 486 for new EU attorneys for their registration year and the following calendar year.
No compensation fund fee will be charged in 2025.