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At your service

Our staff is at your service

Feel free to contact us in matters involving membership in the Bar Association, scholarship applications, continuing training for attorneys-at-law or the supervision of the profession, or any other issue related to attorneys-at-law and their work.

The Finnish Bar Association does not provide legal advice, nor can the office recommend any specific attorney-at-law or law office. However, you can easily find an attorney-at-law through our Find an attorney search service.


Contact us!


Switchboard +358 9 6866 120

Weekdays 10:00–12:00 and 13:00–15:00



Telephone advice regarding complaints:

Weekdays 10:00–12:00, tel. +358 9 6866 1250


Please note that the staff of the supervision unit does not provide general legal advice, but only on filing complaints. Neither can the staff comment on the correctness of an attorney-at-law’s actions on the telephone.